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Brooke Lo Giudice - Counselling Hawthorn

About Brooke

Brooke is deeply passionate about supporting clients to navigate life's challenges, develop self-awareness and the confidence to access their own innate wisdom. 

Brooke holds a warm and non-judgemental space where clients feel free to express their thoughts and feelings and really 'go there' to address life's troubles and difficulties. 

Brooke has a rich history in the Health & Wellbeing arena ranging from practising as a Health Coach,  Counsellor and Personal Trainer as well as educating others and managing education institutions in these fields spanning the past 15 years.

Brooke's Background

Brooke has always mixed the corporate world (adult education) with her passion for health & wellbeing. If not combining the 2 together, working in both fields side by side. In 2003, Brooke co-founded a Counselling & Community Services college which she managed for 7 years. During this period she studied counselling both within her own college and outside, as well as undertaking various other personal development training and programs such as NLP.  

Brooke Lo Giudice - Counselling Hawthorn

During this time Brooke also qualified as a Personal Trainer and launched a Women's Health & Wellbeing service, offering personalised fitness programs, group fitness classes and mums & bubs fitness classes.Following the sale of the Counselling College, Brooke went on to hold senior management positions at various Fitness & Massage Colleges, whilst continuing with her other love of all things health & wellbeing  during this period, 

Fast-forward to today, Brooke works as a Consultant in Adult Education, side-by-side with running her counselling & health-coaching practice and is still as committed as ever to her own continual deepening. Brooke has an online fitness platform - Get Sass Fit - which offers world-class, sass-filled workouts that support you to connect to your body and move in harmony with what your body is communicating.

Brooke Lo Giudice - Counselling Hawthorn


Diploma of Counselling

Diploma of Community Welfare Work

Mt Louisa Counselling Course


Cert III & IV in Fitness Cert IV in Nutrition

Diploma of Front line Management

Diploma of Training Design & Development Diploma of VET

Certificate IV in Business (Marketing)

Certificate IV in Small Business Management


Person Centred Therapy

Strength Based Therapy 

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

Body Based Therapies

Motivational Techniques

Counselling Children and Young People

Conflict Resolution and Mediation

Solution Focused Therapy

Brooke Lo Giudice - Counselling Hawthorn
  • Do I need a referral?
    No - you do not need a referral. However, we do accept referrals from allied health professionals, EAPs and a range of other services providers.
  • What are your fees?
    Individual Counselling: Initial Individual Counselling Session - $150 (60 minutes) Individual Counselling Session - $130 (50 minutes) Couples Counselling: Initial Couples Session - $180 (60 minutes) Couples Sessions - $150 (50 minutes) Concession: Initial individual concession counselling session - $150 (60 minutes) Individual concession counselling session - $90 (50 minutes) (Valid concession card must be presented) Terms & Conditions: Please note that payment is required prior to, or on the same day as your session. Payment can be made by direct debit or credit card. Please note that cancellations within 24 hours of the session will incur the full session fee.
  • Are the sessions covered by Medicare?
    No - the sessions are not covered by Medicare, however pricing has been adjusted to accommodate this.
  • How do I get started?
    If you're ready to jump straight in, book your initial appointment. If you would like to have a chat first to see if we are a good fit, you can book a complimentary initial 15 minute consult. We will have a general conversation about your goals with counselling and how I might be able to support you. From there, if you would like to proceed, we can book your initial appointment. Following your booking, you will be sent an initial consent/intake form to gather some of your key personal details prior to your first session. Then it's time to attend your session. We allow longer for the first session to give you plenty of space to share what's going on for you and what your goals are from counselling. We gather some background information in this first session also. Counselling can be a little confronting for some for the first time, however many also find it a very supportive space where they get to talk about themselves and what is going on for them in a non-judgemental, non-biased space. For many, it can be the first time they have been truly heard and listened to. I offer a deeply nurturing, respectful and holding space where you can just be you - and discuss anything that is there for you to discuss. If at any point you do not wish to continue with the therapy - there is no obligation to stay. You may leave at any time and discontinue sessions.
  • How long do the sessions go for?
    We allow 75 minutes for your initial session. Subsequent sessions are 50 minutes in length.
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Brooke is deeply passionate about supporting clients to navigate life's challenges, develop self-awareness and the confidence to access their own innate wisdom. 

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